====== Tabs - Enhanced Filters ====== - Enable or disable this checkbox for highlight current target. - Enable or disable this checkbox for show flags over mobiles around. - Enable or disable this checkbox for disable animation of all type of fields. - Enable or disable this checkbox for block or allow trade request. - Enable or disable this checkbox for block or allow party request. - Enable or disable this checkbox for start or stop AutoRemount Engine. - Use this button for select mount mobile or etheral mount item. - This textbox if for delay in remount try for normal mount. - This textbox if for delay in remount try for etheral mount. - Enable or disable this checkbox for start or stop Graphics Change engine. - Use this button to add a graphics filter. - Use this button to delete a graphics filter. - In this column show if filter in line is enabled or not. - In this column show old graphics ID. - In this column show new graphics ID. - Enable or disable this checkbox for start or stop AutoCarver engine. - Use this button to set blade to use to carve corpse. - Enable or disable this checkbox for start or stop BoneCutter engine (Doom). - Use this button to set blade to use to cut bones.