====== Assistant - Dress / Undress ====== Here can find some infomation about new Enhanced Dress / Undress! This agent allow user to operate tu item equip whit change whit specific list. ====== Main Window ====== - With this selectbox can switch Dress list. - Use this button for add New Dress item list - Use this button for remove current Dress item list - Use this button for import a existing Dress item list from file. - Use this button for export current Dress item list to file. - Use this button to start Dress engine. - Use this button to start Undress engine. - This textbox is used for set delay to dress / undress item. - This checkbox if for set control for conflict item on same layer, If checked if layer is busy disequip current item before equip newone. - Use this button for set container (from target in game) where undressed or conflicted item placed (if container is not accessible or not valid automatic switch to backpack). - Use this button to read current player equipped item. - Use this button to add a Undress by specific slot. - Use this button to add item in dress list from ingame target. - Use this button to remove selected item from list. - This area is a logbox for status and operation about dress / undress engine. - This column is for enable or not specific item. - This column is name of layer. - This column is name of item, if is UNDRESS is a undress slot. - This column is serial of item. - Use this button to force stop dress or undress engine. ====== Add Undress Layer ====== - This combobox is used for select layer. - Use this button to set selected layer to undress. - Use this button for close window whitout any change.