====== Tabs - Target ====== Here can find some information about new Target system! ====== Target Main Window ====== - In this column can see target NameID. - In this column can see target body list ID. - In this column can see target namefilter. - In this column can see target hue list. - In this column can see target min distance range. - In this column can see target max distance range. - In this column can see selected poison flag. - In this column can see selected bless flag. - In this column can see selected human flag. - In this column can see selected ghost flag. - In this column can see selected sex flag. - In this column can see selected warmode flag. - In this column can see selected friend list flag. - In this column can see selected paral flag. - In this column can see notoriety list. - In this column can see selector. - With this button can open add target window. - With this button can remove selected target. - With this button can open edit target window. - With this button can perform a target action in game. ===== Add Target Window ===== - This textbox is used for insert target name. - This listbox show body filter list. - This textbox is used for insert insert body ID. - Use this button to add custom body ID. - Use this button to remove selected body ID. - This textbox is value of min range limit. (use -1 for no limits) - This textbox is value of max range limit. (use -1 for no limits) - This listbox show body filter list. - This textbox is used for insert hue number filter. - Use this button to add custom hue. - Use this button to remove selected hue. - This listbox show notoriety filter list. - This combobox is used for select notoriety to add. - Use this button to add selected notoriety. - Use this button to remove selected notoriety. - Use this combobox to select specific selector for target. - Use this textbox to add a target filter by mobile name. - Use this button to save data. - Use this button to close window. - This radiobutton is used for select Poison flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Bless flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Human flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Ghost flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Warmode flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Friend list flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Female flag filter. - This radiobutton is used for select Paralized flag filter.