====== Assistant - Friend List ====== Here can find some infomation about new Enhanced Friend List! This agent allow user to operate to specif list of player to allow some operation or block other. ====== Main Window ====== - With this selectbox can switch Friend List. - Use this button for add new Friend List. - Use this button for remove current Friend List. - Use this button for import a existing Friend List from file. - Use this button for export current Friend List to file. - Use this button to add a player to friend list by ingame targer. - Use this button to add a player to friend list in manual mode. - Use this button to remove selected player from0 friend list. - This area is a logbox for status and operation about Friend List. - This checkbox if for set autoaccept party invitation from player in Friend List. - This checkbox if for block attack (warmode) to player in Friend List. - This checkbox if for include currest party player to Friend List. - This column is for enable or not specific player in list. - This column is name of player. - This column is serial of player. ====== Add Manual Player ====== - This textbox is name of player. - This textbox is serial of player. - Use this button to add player to list. - Use this button for close window whitout any change