With this selectbox can switch item list.
Use this button for add New Scavenger item list
Use this button for remove current Scavenger item list
Use this button for import a existing Scavenger item list from file.
Use this button for export current Scavenger item list to file.
Use this button to open a item insert window to add manual a item to list whit specific: Name, Graphics and Color.
Use this button to add item to list from game target (automatic read all information),
Use this button to open a windows to edit current selected item (blue line on itemlist).
Use this button to open a windows to configure props of selected item.
Use this button to remove selected item from list.
This area is a logbox for status and operation about scavenger engine.
Enable or disable this checkbox for start or stop scavenger engine.
This textbox is used for set delay to item drag.
This column of checkbox is for enable or not singolar item in scavenger list, can change in realtime during scavenger engine running.
This column is name of item in list.
This column is Graphics of item in list.