Table of Contents
Assistant - Autoloot
Here can find some information about new Enhanced Autoloot! This agent allow user to direct loot item from corpse around whit specific item list and drag delay.
Main Window
- With this selectbox can switch item loot list.
- Use this button for add New Autoloot item list
- Use this button for remove current Autoloot item list
- Use this button for import a existing Autoloot item list from file.
- Use this button for export current Autoloot item list to file.
- Use this button for set container (from target in game) where loot placed (if container is not accessible or not valid automatic switch to backpack).
- Use this button to open a item insert window to add manual a item to list whit specific: Name, Graphics and Color.
- Use this button to add item to list from game target (automatic read all information),
- Use this button to open a windows to edit current selected item (blue line on itemlist).
- Use this button to open a windows to configure props of selected item.
- Use this button to remove selected item from list.
- Use this button to reset corpse ingore list.
- Enable or disable this checkbox for start or stop autoloot engine.
- This textbox is used for set delay to item loot.
- This area is a logbox for status and operation about autoloot engine.
- This column of checkbox is for enable or not singolar item in autoloot list, can change in realtime durin autoloot engine running.
- This column is name of item in list.
- This column is Graphics of item in list.
- This column is Color of item in list (if show all engine not check color but only Graphics).
Add Item Window
- This textbox is used for insert Item name
- This textbox is used for insert item graphics
- This textbox is used for insert item color. This can be also -1 for All color.
- Use this button to save and add item to list.
- Use this button for close window whitout any insert.
Add Item Props Window
- In this area show information about item in list to edit props.
- With this selectbox can chose what type of props add to list to current item.
- This textbox is minimum value of props
- This textbox is maximum value of props
- Use this button to add props filter of this item whit specific details
- Use this button to delete props selected in selectbox (pt.2)
- List of current item props filter
- Use this button to close item props editor.
autoloot_agent.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 22:20 by