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Scripting - Autoloot control function

Here can find some information about Enhanced Scripting function to control autoloot engine by script!

Get Loot List Contents

Get AutoLoot List Contents
Syntax AutoLoot.GetList( string LootListName, getMinusOneItems=False )
Get a list of autoloot items, Graphics of -1 are only returned if getMinusOneItems is set to True
Returns List < AutoLootItem >
In Object: AutoLoot { Name, Graphics, Color }
Parameters: string NameOfLootList

items = AutoLoot.GetList("default")
for autoItem in items:
    Misc.SendMessage("id: 0X{:x}".format(autoItem.Graphics))

Check Status

Check AutoLoot Status
Syntax AutoLoot.Status( )
Get a bool value of autoloot engine status, if running or not
Returns bool
In Object: AutoLoot
Parameters: none


Start AutoLoot
Syntax AutoLoot.Start( )
Start autoloot engine.
Returns void
In Object: AutoLoot
Parameters: none


Stop AutoLoot
Syntax AutoLoot.Stop( )
Stop autoloot engine.
Returns void
In Object: AutoLoot
Parameters: none

Change List

Change AutoLoot item list
Syntax AutoLoot.ChangeList(string)
Change list of autoloot item, List must be exist in autoloot GUI configuration
Returns void
In Object: AutoLoot
Parameters: ListName

Custom List

Start Autoloot whit custom parameters
Syntax AutoLoot.RunOnce(AutoLootItem, int, Filter)
Start autoloot with specific parameters: AutoLootItem is a list type for item, delay in second for grab and filter for search on ground
Returns void
In Object: AutoLoot
Parameters: AutoLootItem ItemList, double DelayGrabInMilliSecond, Filter FilterForSearch


Temporarily change NoOpenCorpse setting
Syntax AutoLoot.SetNoOpenCorpse( bool )
Temporarily set the NoOpenCorpse flag on the AutoLooter. Change not persisted.
Returns bool - the previous setting
In Object: AutoLoot
Parameters: bool True / False

oldValue = AutoLoot.SetNoOpenCorpse(True)

autoloot_func.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/03 23:25 by

Exception: Git command failed to perform periodic pull: error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database .git/objects fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed

Exception: Git command failed to perform periodic pull: error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database .git/objects fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed

An unforeseen error has occured. This is most likely a bug somewhere. It might be a problem in the gitbacked plugin.

More info has been written to the DokuWiki error log.