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Scripting - Journal data and function

Here can find some information about Enhanced Scripting function and data for journal operation!


Clear Journal
Syntax Journal.Clear( )
Clear data in journal buffer.
Returns void
In Object: Journal
Parameters: none

Search Journal
Syntax Journal.Search(string)
Search a string in all journal buffer, if present get true. String is case sensitive.
Returns bool
In Object: Journal
Parameters: TextToSearch
Search Journal by name
Syntax Journal.SearchByName(stringToLookFor, PlayerName)
Search for stringToLookFor in all journal buffer by sender name, if present get true. String and name is case sensitive.
Returns bool
In Object: Journal
Parameters: stringToLookFor, senderName

while not Journal.SearchByName("Hello", "Credzba"):

Search Journal by color
Syntax Journal.SearchByColor(string, string)
Search a string in all journal buffer by font color, if present get true. String is case sensitive.
Returns bool
In Object: Journal
Parameters: ColorToSearch

Search Journal by message type
Syntax Journal.SearchByType(string, string)
Search a string in all journal buffer by message type, if present get true. String and Type is case sensitive.
Returns bool
In Object: Journal
Parameters: string TextToSearch, string MessageType
Parameters type list:

  • Regular
  • System
  • Emote
  • Label
  • Focus
  • Whisper
  • Yell
  • Spell
  • Guild
  • Alliance
  • Party
  • Encoded
  • Special

Get Data

Search and Get text line
Syntax Journal.GetLineText(string, optional bool)
Search and get last line whit searched string, if present return a string whit all text in line. String is case sensitive. Use optional bool true for add name of mobile or item send text.
Returns string
In Object: Journal
Parameters: bool
Get Speech Name
Syntax Journal.GetSpeechName()
Get a list of all name of player and object speech.
Returns list (string)
In Object: Journal
Parameters: none

Get Text by Type
Syntax Journal.GetTextByType(string, optional bool)
Get a list of all speech by specific type. Use optional bool true for add name of mobile or item send text.
Returns list (string)
In Object: Journal
Parameters: string textType, optional bool addMobileId

  • System
  • Emote
  • Label
  • Focus
  • Whisper
  • Yell
  • Spell
  • Guild
  • Alliance

Get Text by Name
Syntax Journal.GetTextByName(string)
Get a list of all speech by specific player name.
Returns list (string)
In Object: Journal
Parameters: name
Get Text by Color
Syntax Journal.GetTextByColor(int, optional bool)
Get a list of all speech by specific color. Use optional bool true for add name of mobile or item send text.
Returns list (string)
In Object: Journal
Parameters: bool
Get Text by Serial
Syntax Journal.GetTextBySerial(int)
Get a list of all speech by specific serial.
Returns list (string)
In Object: Journal
Parameters: serial

Wait for Journal

Wait for journal to have Text String
Syntax Journal.WaitJournal(string, int)
Pause script and wait when a text is present in journal. Text is case sensitive and max wait delay is in ms.
Returns bool - True if string found, False - timeout
In Object: Journal
Parameters: MaxWaitTime

Journal.WaitJournal("Hello", 20000)

Wait for journal to have text from Name
Syntax Journal.WaitByName(Player/Mobile Name, int)
Pause script and wait for when a name sends text in journal. Text is case sensitive and max wait delay is in ms.
Returns bool
In Object: Journal
Parameters: MaxWaitTime

if Journal.WaitByName(Player.Name, 20000):
    Misc.SendMessage("FOUND IT")
    Misc.SendMessage("TIME OUT")  

journal_func.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 10:56 by