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Scripting - Misc data and function

Here can find some infomation about Enhanced Scripting function and data misc!


Player Sysmessage
Syntax Misc.SendMessage(string or int or bool)
Send a sysmessage.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string Message, int Value, bool Status

Player Sysmessage colored
Syntax Misc.SendMessage(string or int or bool, color)
Send a sysmessage whit specific color
Returns none
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string Message or int Value or bool Status, int color
Player SendToClient
Syntax Misc.SendToClient(string)
Send a string to the UO client window. Can contain control characters by prefixing the character with ^ (e.g. ctrl-u is “^u”)
Returns none
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string to send to client window


The file operations are limited, because I am paranoid of bad actors. The file to be written to MUST be in the RE directory tree, or if your running CUO it can be in the CUO directory tree. Further, the file suffix has to be one of {data, xml, map, csv}. The file suffixes list could be extended, but the main thing I didn't want someone to do damage to files needed for execution.

Append a line to a file
Syntax Misc.AppendToFile(string FileName, string LineToAppend)
Appends a single line to a file.
Returns bool True - success False - Fail
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string FileName, string LineToInsert
Append a line to a file IF it doesn't already exist
Syntax Misc.AppendNotDupToFile(string FileName, string LineToAppend)
Appends a single line to a file if that line does not already exist in the file. use in your code like:

result = Misc.AppendNotDupToFile("C:/CUO/Data/Client/TreasureMaps.csv", "1111, 2222, map,desc,I forget")

Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string FileName, string LineToInsert

Remove a line from a file
Syntax Misc.DeleteFile(string FileName)
Deletes a file
Returns bool True - success False - Fail
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string FileName

Remove a line from a file
Syntax Misc.RemoveLineInFile(string FileName, string LineToAppend)
Removes a single line from a file if it exists
Returns bool True - success False - Fail
In Object: Misc
Parameters: string FileName, string LineToInsert


Resync Game Data
Syntax Misc.Resync( )
Resync game data.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none

Pause on Script
Syntax Misc.Pause(int)
Pause script for X millisecond.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: MSpause
Focus on UoClient window
Syntax Misc.FocusUOWindow()
Set UoClient window in focus or restore if minimized.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Screen Capture the UoClient window
Syntax Misc.CaptureNow()
Creates a snapshot of the current UO window
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none


Syntax Misc.Beep( )
Play beep system sound.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Shard Name
Syntax Misc.ShardName( )
Get string with shard name you play.
Returns string
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Inspect Items
Syntax Misc.Inspect( )
Prompts for a target, then displays info for that item
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Syntax Misc.NextContPosition(x, y)
Sets the x,y co-ordinates of where the next gump will be openned. You must have cascading containers enabled
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: int x, int y window position
Syntax Misc.GetContPosition()
Returns the x,y co-ordinates of where the current gumpis positioned.
Returns point(x, y)
In Object: Misc


Get Current Mouse Location
Syntax Misc.MouseLocation()
Returns a point with the X and Y coordinates of the mouse relative to the UO Window
Returns point
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none

p = Misc.MouseLocation()

Set Mouse Location
Syntax Misc.MouseMove()
Moves the mouse pointer to the position X,Y relative to the UO window
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: int X, int Y

Misc.MouseMove(p.X+10, p.Y+20)


Syntax Misc.Disconnect( )
Description: Immediate logout
Force client to disconnect.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none

Context Menu

Wait Context Menu
Syntax Misc.WaitForContext(int or mobile or item, int)
Wait server response a context menu request.
Returns List < Context > - Context { int reply, string text in menu }
In Object: Misc
Parameters: timeout
Context Menu Reply
Syntax Misc.ContextReply(int or mobile or item, int or string)
Respond to a context menu on mobile or item. Menu ID is base zero, or can use string of menu text
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: Menuname

Share Data for Script

Read Shared Value
Syntax Misc.ReadSharedValue(string)
Read a shared value, if value not exist return null.
Returns obj
In Object: Misc
Parameters: nameofvalue
Remove Shared Value
Syntax Misc.RemoveSharedValue(string)
Remove a shared value,
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: nameofvalue
Check Shared Value
Syntax Misc.CheckSharedValue(string)
Get a true o flase if value exist.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: nameofvalue
Set Shared Value
Syntax Misc.SetSharedValue(string, obj)
Set a value by specific name, if value exist he repalce value.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: value

Old Menu

Has Menu
Syntax Misc.HasMenu()
Return bool if have or not a menu opened.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Close Menu
Syntax Misc.CloseMenu()
Close opened menu.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Menu Contain
Syntax Misc.MenuContain(string)
Search in opened menu if contains a specific string, return true or false.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: texttosearch
Menu Title
Syntax Misc.GetMenuTitile()
Return a string of title for opene menu.
Returns string
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Wait For Menu
Syntax Misc.WaitForMenu(int)
Pause script until server send menu, delay is in ms.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: delayinms
Menu Response
Syntax Misc.MenuResponse(string)
Perform a menu response by subitem name. If item not exist close menu
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: subitemname

Query String

Has Has QueryString
Syntax Misc.HasQueryString( )
Check if a have a query string menu opened, return true or false.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Wait For Query String
Syntax Misc.WaitForQueryString(int)
Pause script until server send query string request, delay is in ms.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: delayinms
Query String Response
Syntax Misc.QueryStringResponse(bool, string)
Perform a query string response by ok or cancel button and specific response string.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: stringtoresponse

Script Function

Run a Script
Syntax Misc.ScriptRun(string)
Run a script by file name, Script must be present in script grid.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: scriptfilename
Stop a Script
Syntax Misc.ScriptStop(string)
Stop a script by file name, Script must be present in script grid.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: scriptfilename
Stop all Script
Syntax Misc.ScriptStopAll( )
Stop all script running.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Script Status
Syntax Misc.ScriptStatus(string)
Get status of script if running or not, Script must be present in script grid.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: scriptfilename


Co-Ordinates of a Decoded Map
Syntax Misc.GetMapInfo(serial)
Retrieve the co-ordinates of a decoded t-map. Your code would look like:

mapInfo = Misc.GetMapInfo(0x400BFD6C)
print("Treasure at ({}, {}), Origin ({}, {}), pin at ({}, {})"
    .format(mapInfo.MapOrigin.X+mapInfo.PinPosition.X, mapInfo.MapOrigin.Y+mapInfo.PinPosition.Y,
            mapInfo.MapOrigin.X, mapInfo.MapOrigin.Y, mapInfo.PinPosition.X, mapInfo.PinPosition.Y))

Note: The pin position is an offset from the origin, so you have to add them to get absolute location
Returns MapInfo{ PinPosition, MapOrigin, MapEnd }
In Object: Misc
Parameters: serial - Serial of the t-map


Rename Pet
Syntax Misc.PetRename(int or mobile, string )
Rename a specific pet.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: newname

String Prompt Response

Reset Prompt response
Syntax Misc.ResetPrompt()
Reset a prompt response.
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Reset Prompt response
Syntax Misc.HasPrompt()
Check if have a prompt request.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Wait Prompt
Syntax Misc.WaitForPrompt(int)
Wait a prompt response.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: delaytowait
Cancel Prompt
Syntax Misc.CancelPrompt()
Cancel a prompt request.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Prompt Response
Syntax Misc.ResponsePrompt( string )
Response a prompt request.
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: reponsetosend

Ignore List

Add object to Ignore List
Syntax Misc.IgnoreObject( )
Add an object to ignore list. Can add serial, items or mobiles
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: mobtoignore
Remove object from Ignore List
Syntax Misc.UnIgnoreObject( )
Remove object from ignore list. Can remove serial, items or mobiles
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: mobtounignore
Check object if present in Ignore List
Syntax Misc.CheckIgnoreObject( )
Check object from ignore list, return true if present. Can check serial, items or mobiles
Returns bool
In Object: Misc
Parameters: mobtocheck
Clear ignore list
Syntax Misc.ClearIgnore( )
Clear ignore list from all object
Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: none
Change the current active profile
Syntax Misc.ChangeProfile(profileName )
CHanges the current active profile use in your code like:


Returns void
In Object: Misc
Parameters: newProfileName
Distance between 2 places using UO algorithm
Syntax Misc.Distance(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
Compute the distance between 2 places using UO algorithm for distance use in your code like:

d = Misc.Distance(10, 10, 20, 20)

Returns int
In Object: Misc
Parameters: X1 - x origin Y1 - y origin X2 - x dest Y2 - y dest

misc_func.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/03 23:25 by